The Wayfarer / I arrive where I always dance Performance

Performance including video, prose and music that traces experimental paths… Under Fernando Pessoa’s famous saying “Don’t stare the way. Follow it to the end”, this performance, like a beacon, sheds light on the steep cliffs and dry lands so as to unveil a journey of self-awareness crossing a tour to body topographies. “The Wayfarer” performance lasts 25 minutes based on an original text, full of poetic images and lyricism, imbued with the sense of flight and freedom.

It has been presented in Fournos Theater in Athens on October of 2020 and 2021and it was presenting in three sets on loop without break. Duration 25 minutes


Text/Direction/Performance Frosso Zagoraiou

Costume Olympia Sideridou

Video Michalis Adamis

Music/Soundscapes Giannis Anastasakis

Artwork Paris Haviaras

Make up artist Eleftheria Michailidi

Sound Engineer Ismini Petridou